Check out this great video...The Beckers share their journey towards adoption, through Kinship Care with Onward Hope, Inc.
Benefits to getting licensed:
Unlicensed care is when a court approves the placement of a child with a relative who then does not choose to become a licensed foster care provider.
Licensed Kinship Care is when a relative caring for a child becomes a licensed foster care provider. This process enables caregivers to be qualified for state-approved foster care maintenance payments.

Are you interested in fostering?
Foster Care is the temporary placement of children who have been abused or neglected into safe and loving homes. Foster parents are extraordinary people willing to share their time, their homes, and their care with children in their communities. Foster parents provide a critical and necessary service, and the impact of their service can last a lifetime.
The minimum criteria to become a licensed foster parent in the state of Arizona are as follows:
Be 21 years of age or older
Married, single, co-habiting, or partnered
Adequate income to support your own family's need
A safe and gender/age-appropriate living space for a child in foster care, including a permanent bed and dresser/closet space
Provide personal references that can attest to your ability to interact with or take care if children
Pass a criminal background check and obtain a level 1 Fingerprint Clearance Card
Provide a physician's statement verifying your emotional and physical health
Complete all pre-service training classes provided by the Arizona Department of Child Safety.
Can I get Respite as an unlicensed kinship provider?
Yes, even as an unlicensed kinship (relative) caregiver, you are able to place your relative placement in a licensed foster home, when you are in need of a break or have an emergency.
You can receive up to 144 hours of respite care, per family, per year. Contact us today to set-up your kinship respite care.